Over-demand: tip#3

Move your body!

“Liver Qi stagnation” is a major pattern that emerges because of stress and frustration. But it also contributes to these conditions and that’s the cycle that we want to address!. When we are confined emotionally or physically the stored energy builds up and causes dis-ease.

A great way to shift and ease this discomfort is with movement, particularly where the physical experience is blended with an emotionally moving one.

Explore and experiment with different ways of moving your body to find something to which you have a positive emotional response. In Victoria we are blessed with the spectacular beaches and parks that abound.

Try walking in a beautiful area, using a skipping rope, throwing a ball or Frisbee for your dog. Local parks often have basketball or hockey nets where you can practice shooting. Using a DVD or video to inspire you for indoor exercise could be your ideal, the driving range may do it for others. Play on the grass with your children and you all benefit from moving your liver qi. Dance and live music are awesome for taking us to the place where the physical and emotional move together.

The point of this is to move the energy in your body and involve yourself in a pleasurable emotion while you are doing it. Were there things in your past that you did repeatedly, or that you were good at, or that you really enjoyed? Is there something that you always wanted to try? Now’s the time. It’s most effective if you find a minimum of 20 minutes to do this in each session once a day; it can be gentle movement or a bit rigourous.

Again, the goal is an emotionally positive segment of time with physical movement.

In my neighbourhood the YMCA and the Spiral Cafe are great venues for movement.

Acupuncture and Chinese herbology have been effectively and easily treating this imbalance for millenia (just in case you thought this is only a modern affliction). Email or phone for a consultation and treatment!